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Payload type apple

Payload type apple. iPhone Creates a payload record with the specified format, type, identifier, payload data, and data chunk size. It describes the event that leads to the notification. profileRemovalPassword as the payload type. Beginning in macOS 11. The Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) specifies a general-purpose data format and network protocol for transmitting digital media streams on Internet Protocol (IP) networks. Supported payload identifier: com. Identifiers must be unique for each payload in a profile. Using Messages for Business, consumers can complete transactions with their favorite brands without having to leave the Messages app. 0 Deprecated watchOS 9. security. Required. firewall as the payload type. Create the JSON payload. 5+ string signedPayload Creates a payload record with a URI specified as a string. A globally-unique identifier for this DNS proxy configuration. A Boolean value that allows an app to provide an optional Matter Setup payload while setting up a Matter device in an ecosystem. Duplicates allowed: This column notes whether one specified payload (False) or more than one specified payload (True) can be delivered to a user or device. Supported payload name and identifiers: This column notes name of the payload and the identifiers. 0+ watchOS 9. NFC iOS 16. Note. 3, installing or removing this payload can change the state of system extensions on var type: Data. WPA2 allows joining WPA2 or WPA3 networks. 0+ watchOS 6. otf) format. Duplicates allowed: True—only one Cellular payload can be delivered to a device. 13. iOS 15, iPadOS 15, macOS 12. servicemanagement, com. In iOS 15 and macOS Monterey, this has been extended to all payload types. The proxy type. The payload you use to configure the domains under an organization’s Mar 7, 2024 · You can use the settings in the table below with the Wi-Fi payloads. The details of media encoding, such as signal sampling rate, frame size and timing, are specified in an RTP payload format. iOS 4. The SSO app extension is designed to improve the sign-in experience for apps and websites that use these authentication methods. webcontent-filter as the payload type. You can manage extensions by bundle identifiers in allow and deny lists, or by a deny list of extension points. Allowed values: The system disables disc burning. The payload you use to configure the domains under an organization’s To navigate the symbols, press Up Arrow, Down Arrow, Left Arrow or Right Arrow Oct 27, 2021 · Use Apple Configurator. Each payload must contain exactly one font file in trueType (. The JSON dictionary object must contain an aps key, the value of which is a dictionary Payloads. 1+. L2TP and IPSec aren’t available in tvOS. This closure receives an array of item Oct 25, 2023 · Supported enrollment type: There are three enrollment types: User Enrollment, Device Enrollment, and Automated Device Enrollment. As of iOS 16, tvOS 16, watchOS 9, and macOS 13: WPA allows joining WPA or WPA2 networks. The type of logging. 0+ watchOS 10. . This payload provides a password to allow users to remove a locked configuration profile from the device. If the payload type allows multiple payloads, click the Add (+) button in the top-right corner of the payload settings pane to add more. Currently,thisvalueshouldbe1. object Service Management Managed Login Items This payload you use to configure managed login items, which auto-enables and auto-allows matched items. Oct 25, 2023 · Payload information for Apple devices is detailed in the table below, which contains the following columns. It’s recommended to omit the password in the profile, or do one of the following instead: Nov 9, 2023 · When you use the SSO app extension, you use the SSO or Kerberos Payload Type for authentication. The payload you use to configure a PKCS #12-formatted certificate. This information is subject to change, and software implemented according to this documentation should be tested with final operating system software. Exchange) with the same payload ID. The allow list is searched to see if the bundle ID has a matching entry. Use this method to create NDEF URI payload records that you can't create using a URL object, such as a URI containing special characters not represented by 7-bit ASCII encoding such as ä and ö. 1+ init ( format : NFCType Name Format , type : Data , identifier : Data , payload : Data ) object ActiveDirectoryCertificate. var typeNameFormat: NFCTypeNameFormat. servicemanagement) payload. iOS 13. 0–1. These settings define how your device connects to the service provider network. enum NFCTypeName. Apple devices support industry-standard IMAP4 and POP3 mail solutions on a range of server platforms, including macOS, Windows, UNIX, and Linux. If more than one profile contains this payload, the system uses the most restrictive union of settings. The payload is a JSON dictionary object (as defined by RFC 4627) that you create on your server. Hidden Network. Every concrete type for the placeholders 'each Payload' is collected from the argument list into a type pack. var dictionaryPayload: [AnyHashable : Any] { get } Apr 9, 2018 · Values Note: The payload type must not be changed; the phone expects to see the literal string "Profile Service". If FileVault is enabled after the system installs this payload, the system encrypts the FileVault PRK with the For all other remote notifications, the maximum payload size is 4 KB (4096 bytes). The version number of the profile format, which describes the version of the configuration profile as a whole, not of the individual profiles within it. The system requires authentication. Users can only save passwords in Safari from URLs matching the patterns listed here. Matter Allow Setup Payload. If this payload is present and has a password value set, the device asks for the password when the user taps a profile’s Remove button. Prepare to use eSIMs with Apple devices; Use MDM to deploy devices with mobile connections To navigate the symbols, press Up Arrow, Down Arrow, Left Arrow or Right Arrow Deprecated. system-extension-policy as the payload type. In the General settings pane, fill in the Name and Identifier fields. The payload you use to configure single sign-on (SSO). The Exchange server host name or IP address. A notification with this subtype indicates that the subscription-renewal-date extension failed for an individual subscription. webClip. This documentation contains preliminary information about an API or technology in development. webcontent-filter" is not permitted. The SSO Redirect and supportedTypes. The URL must begin with https://. Specify com. On iOS User Enrollments, the system allows the Passcode payload type, but ignores all keys. 5, Apple made a change to prevent installation of profiles if they contained two or more specific payloads (e. 0. FileVault Full Disk Encryption (FDE) recovery keys are, by default, sent to Apple if the user requests them. Needs to be enabled with the Finder profile. An array of rules that define the DNS settings. The Directory Service payload supports the following. If the pasteboard doesn’t contain any of the supported types, the button becomes disabled. [ParentalControlsContentFilter. Properties. ttc or . Supported operating systems and channels: iOS The payload you use to configure Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME) Certificate settings. Available in macOS 12 and later. pkcs12 as the payload type. For iOS devices, if you prevent the user from removing the web clip, the only way to remove it is to remove the configuration profile Jun 4, 2018 · Payload Key Reference. " If I tried a User profile to install a web clip on shared iPads it gives a warning saying "The device is Device enrolled, while the profile is made for User enrolled devices" The type of the VPN, which defines which settings are appropriate for this VPN payload. Managed apps with the same DNSProxyUUID in their app attributes have their DNS lookups traffic processed by the proxy. The handler to call when the user clicks the Paste button, and the pasteboard has items that conform to supportedTypes. object FDEFileVault. Supported enrollment types: Device Enrollment, Automated Device Enrollment. Service Set Identifier. PayloadType String TheonlysupportedvalueisConfiguration. Duplicates allowed: This column notes whether one specified payload (False) or more than one specified payload (True) can be delivered to a user or The payload you use to configure scripts to run at login and logout. g. In Apple Configurator , choose File > New Profile. macOS. For each notification, you provide a payload with app-specific information and details about how to deliver the notification to the user. 0 Deprecated iPadOS 16. The payload you use to configure ShareKit. The contents of the received payload. FDERecoveryKeyEscrow as the payload type. 0 Deprecated Apple Pay allows consumers to complete purchases without having to manage paper bills, coins, or physical bank cards. An array of domains. Prepare to use eSIMs with Apple devices The type of platform of the target device. 15+ Mac Catalyst 13. Configure devices; Install apps with Apple Configurator; Add Apple devices to Apple School Manager, Apple Business Manager, or Apple Business Essentials; Configure your network for MDM; Configure devices to work with APNs; Configure devices with cellular connections. A decoded JSON Web Signature header containing transaction or renewal information. This causes the system to expand the list to include all Sep 10, 2023 · Profiles with Two or More of the Same Payload Type. When there are multiple installed profiles, the keys combine as follows: Allow User Overrides is false if any profile sets it to false. Transaction and subscription renewal objects. Only one payload of this type is allowed per system. Supported enrolment types: Device Enrolment, Automated Device Enrolment. 0–14. The encryption type for the network. object FDERecoveryKeyEscrow. Optimizing your image for 240 x 240 pixels results in the best experience for your customers. The payload you use to configure the dock. Collection formats (. NSExtension as the payload type. Initiate Polling for MDM Commands. object SingleSignOn. Format the message that the server sends with the push notification as JSON, and only include the PushMagic string as the value of the mdm key; for example: {"mdm":"PushMagicValue"} Mar 7, 2024 · Use the Extensible Single Sign-on payload to define extensions for multifactor user authentication on an iPhone, iPad, or Mac enrolled in a mobile device management (MDM) solution. These settings define how the device Creates a payload record with the specified format, type, identifier, and payload data. Use Apple Configurator. The presence of this payload type prompts an iOS or macOS device to present the user with a passcode entry mechanism. DirectoryService. 'each Payload' appears in the parameter list and the return type. 1 or later have a built-in framework that supports mobile device management (MDM). If true, a user can only log in or authenticate with a SmartCard. Oct 24, 2022 · The directory server must be available to the Mac when the profile is installed, or installation fails. The notification Type appears in the notification payload, response Body V2Decoded Payload. RTP payload formats. Some notifications also have a subtype that further describes the event. This extension is for use by identity providers to deliver a seamless experience as users sign in to apps and websites. Apple Messages for Business optimizes rich link images to 240 x 240 pixels. SiteWhitelistItem] An array of sites that defines an allow list. Software Update as the payload type. See the response Body V2Decoded Payload for more information about the notification in the data, summary, or external Purchase One or more special folders that may be created at user login time and placed in the dock. Use this payload to add web clips to the Home screen of the user’s iOS device or to the Dock on a Mac. Oct 24, 2022 · Supported payload identifier: com. Apple Pay in Messages for Business is a distinct feature, but shares similarities to Apple Pay EmailDomains. When supervising a device, I try to install a profile contains the payload type :com. The payload needs to exist in a system-scoped profile. If using OAuth without an OAuthSignInURL, the host name is ignored. Warning. 0+ visionOS 1. If true, a user can pair with only one SmartCard, although existing pairings are allowed if already set up. To navigate the symbols, press Up Arrow, Down Arrow, Left Arrow or Right Arrow The payload you use to configure a macOS server account. I'm not sure which step went wrong. The payload you use to configure encrypted DNS settings. You can include keys The payload you use to configure the software update policy. A dictionary that defines a configuration for an encrypted DNS server. object IdentityPreference. To determine if an app can be launched, the app is evaluated with these rules: Certain system app and utilities are always allowed to run. MTROnboarding Payload Type. The payload type. Profile Availability Mar 7, 2024 · Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME) MDM payload settings for Apple devices. 1–10. For more information, see Intro to Apple device enrollment types . If the top-level PayloadIdentifier is different and the payload type supports it, then the incoming profile is considered different and the installation results in two profiles being installed. These rules are identical to the OnDemandRules array in VPN payloads. object DNSSettings The payload you use to configure encrypted DNS settings. The time that the App Store charged the user’s account for a purchase, a restored product, a subscription, or a subscription renewal after a lapse. The MDM server sends a notification through the APNS gateway to the device, to make a device poll the MDM server for commands. The device generates an asymmetric key pair based upon the Key Type, Key Size, and Hardware Bound fields. The payload you use to configure the user’s identity on the device. This key is required if whiteListEnabled is true. This notification occurs when the App Store completes your request to extend the subscription renewal date for eligible subscribers. applicationaccess. You can use the settings in the table below with the Managed Login Items (com. Any/unspecified. 0 Deprecated macOS 13. All the other values combine together. shareddeviceconfiguration as the payload type. The system allows normal default operation. mobiledevice. The type of the payload, as defined by the NDEF The UUID of a payload within the same profile that contains a certificate used to encrypt the recovery key when it's sent to the redirected URL. The system considers email addresses that lack a suffix matching any of these strings out of domain and marked in Mail. The payload you use to configure Active Directory Certificate settings. Use the com. integer. The exact uniform type identifiers supported by the button. If false, the system disables modification of accounts such as Apple IDs and Internet-based accounts such as Mail, Contacts, and Calendar. The Type Name Format field of the payload, as defined by the NDEF specification. The payload you use to configure a PEM-formatted certificate. object CertificatePEM. The payload you use to configure an app extension that performs single sign-on with the Kerberos extension. The Microsoft Enterprise SSO plug-in uses the SSO Payload Type with Redirect authentication. Type. 7+ tvOS 9. Use this payload to specify settings that allow the device to request a client certificate from an Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME) server. 0+. Profile Availability A cryptographically signed payload, in JSON Web Signature (JWS) format, containing the response body for a version 2 notification. new as the payload type. Mar 7, 2024 · You can configure mail accounts for users of iPhone, iPad, and Mac devices enrolled in a mobile device management (MDM) solution. Setting. managed as the payload type. Configure disc-burn. webcontent-filter. To add a payload, select it from the list on the left, click Configure, then enter the settings. This option is the most secure. Profile Availability. iOS 16. The Type Name Format values that specify the content type for the payload data in an NFC NDEF message. apple. The payload to provide device info on private network deployments, including geographical location, preference over Wi-Fi, and network deployment type. managed” is not permitted to be installed for the system in multi-user mode. Specify whether the network that the device connects to is broadcasting its identity. The OS displays that: the payload type "com. A new configuration profile document window appears. The payload you use to configure FileVault. Learn more about using Apple's beta software. And the concrete type pack is substituted in to produce the return type. object SmartCard. Declaring the bundle identifier is useful for apps that contain more than one DNS proxy extension. The payload you use to configure a PKCS #1-formatted certificate. A payload can be configured to manage specific settings on Apple devices. object CertificateRoot. Mar 7, 2024 · Set the filter grade type: firewall or inspector. Setting this key to on doesn’t enable disc burn support if other mechanisms or preferences disabled it. type originalPurchaseDate. The type of the payload, as defined by the NDEF specification. Configure devices; Install apps with Apple Configurator; Add Apple devices to Apple School Manager, Apple Business Manager or Apple Business Essentials; Configure your network for MDM; Configure devices with mobile data connections. For example, you can have different payloads require a complex passcode, populate an Exchange account with all the Exchange server information and add a VPN configuration to a device. Starting in iOS 14. TCC. cellular. 1. 0+ iPadOS 4. The referenced payload must be of type `com. You can configure the ACME Certificate payload to obtain certificates from a certificate authority (CA) for Apple devices enrolled in a mobile device management (MDM) solution. A URL matches an allow list, deny list, or permitted list pattern if the exact characters of the pattern appear as a substring of the URL requested in the web browser. passwordpolicy as the payload type. For information on the request, see Extend Subscription Renewal Dates for All Active Subscribers. appstore as the payload type. Developer. otc) are not supported. PayloadVersion Integer Theversionnumberoftheprofileformat. A decoded payload that contains transaction information. The payload you use to configure the names of the account user. Supported operating systems and channels: iOS, iPadOS, Shared iPad device, watchOS 10. The payload you use to configure the Home screen layout. Use the Mail payload to configure POP or IMAP mail accounts for users. Before you review the table below, understand what each column contains. mdm to designate that this payload is an MDM payload. 0+ Mac Catalyst 13. type recentSubscriptionStartDate. MDM lets you securely and wirelessly configure devices by sending profiles and commands to the device, whether they’re owned by the user or your organization. Up to seven per-app web content filters can be used, but only one can be systemwide. The complexity of the passcode can be customized with this payload. Possible Values: throttled, brief, detail. string. This system encrypts the payload with The summary object appears in the response Body V2Decoded Payload when the notification Type is RENEWAL _EXTENSION and the subtype is SUMMARY. Enter the SSID of the wireless network to connect to. For interactive installations on iOS devices, specifying a target platform avoids interstitial alerts that prompt the user to choose a profile target when multiple targets are eligible. Oct 24, 2022 · You can configure Mobile settings on Apple devices enrolled in a mobile device management (MDM) solution. WPA3 allows joining WPA3 Specify com. MailNumberOfPastDaysToSync. The system matches URLs using string-based matching. This image size is the same as using “large” style for receivedMessage or replyMessage on Oct 25, 2023 · Supported enrolment type: There are three enrolment types: User Enrolment, Device Enrolment and Automated Device Enrolment. The purchase date of the transaction associated with the original transaction identifier. acme as the payload type. The bundle identifier of the DNS proxy network extension to use. The payload you use to configure Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME) Certificate settings. 2 and later. 0+ iPadOS 8. iOS 11. 0+ macOS 10. Set to com. enum NFCTypeNameFormat. Installing two different fonts with Specify com. The payload you use to configure restrictions on a device. allowAccountModification. The identifier should be changed to an appropriate reverse-DNS-style identifier. Host. Oct 3, 2016 · " Profile Installation Failed / The payload type “com. For an auto proxy type, you can enter a PAC URL. managed. If not set, the system always applies the DNS settings. loginitems. Device Channel. Apple Messages for Business scales down larger images and magnifies smaller ones. When properly configured using MDM, the user Intro to mobile device management profiles. The payload you use to configure FileVault options. Allowed values: 0. 0+ iPadOS 11. The value of the X-Apple-Config-Magic header in each EAS HTTP request. For more information, see Intro to Apple device enrolment types . Web clips provide fast access to favorite webpages. enum NSUser Activity . type purchaseDate. iOS 8. ttf) or OpenType (. class func well Know Type Text Payload ( string : String, locale : Locale) -> Self? Creates a payload record with text. Description. The "Original Network Home" item is only used for mobile account users. Software Update payload key restrict-software-update-require-admin-to Specify com. func wellKnownTypeURIPayload() -> URL? Oct 24, 2022 · Supported payload identifier: com. MDM reserves profile payload dictionary keys with the Oct 24, 2022 · Duplicates allowed: True—more than one Managed Login Items (com. Payload Version. Discussion. The URL to which FDE recovery keys should be sent instead of to Apple. To learn more about settings, refer to the table in Review MDM payloads for Apple devices . The identifier should remain constant for any given profile service. siteWhitelist. managed) payload can be delivered to a user. This payload allows administrators to specify optional text displayed in the login window and Lock screen (for example, an "If Lost, Return To" message and asset tag information). ACME is modern alternative to SCEP. For a manual proxy type, the profile contains the proxy server address, including its port, and optionally a user name and password. Available in macOS 10. 0+ tvOS 16. If specified, this defines additional allowed sites besides those in the automated allow list and deny list, including disallowed adult sites. The system obfuscates the profile but doesn’t encrypt it, so it’s possible to intercept the profile and extract the password and identity. The Web Content Filter payload supports the following. Fonts are identified by their embedded PostScript names. The payload you use to configure the content-caching service. 10 and later. Type) -> T Decodes the user activity’s user info dictionary as an instance of the specified type. configuration-profile-policy Supported operating systems and channels: macOS device. The number of days in the past to sync mail on the device. var type: Data { get set } Name: NFCTypeName. The payload you use to configure the parental control dashboard allow list. Always On is only available on iOS and Apple Watch pairing isn’t supported with Always On. 1 enforce this requirement. If the type is VPN, then the system requires a value for VPNSub Type. For more information, see Payload information. Even though each payload has its own unique settings, all payloads are defined Format. The payload you use to configure a smart card. iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS 10 or later, and visionOS 1. For details, see the data object in the response Body V2Decoded Payload. Thisdescribesthe versionoftheconfigurationprofileasawhole,notofthe individualprofileswithinit. Available in iOS 8 and later and macOS 10. Yes. The payload you use to configure parental control for dictation and profanity. 0 Deprecated visionOS 1. The UUID that points to an identity certificate payload. object JWSDecodedHeader. The "My Applications" item is only used for Simple Finder environments. To do so, include AllPublicExtensionPoints in DeniedExtensionPoints. Specify the payload for a remote notification using a JSON dictionary. Documentation. Set this value to 1. Two fonts with the same PostScript name are considered to be the same font even if their contents differ. 0+ iPadOS 13. If you’re using a third-party mobile device management (MDM The payload you use to configure an Active Directory (AD) domain. There can only be one Lock screen payload. Transaction data types. 1, and visionOS 1. URIPayload () Returns the URL of a valid Well Known Type URI payload. Typed Payload Error Applies to the RENEWAL _EXTENSION notification Type. Possible Values: AddDockMCXMyApplicationsFolder, AddDockMCXDocumentsFolder, AddDockMCXSharedFolder The payload you use to configure a passcode policy. object CertificatePKCS12. 1–17. You can also start with all public extensions disallowed. func typed Payload <T>(T. App Store Server API 1. The payload you use to configure menu extras. The payload you use to configure FileVault recovery key escrow. Apple. The payload you use to configure the desktop. To add LDAP servers for iPhone and iPad devices, use the LDAP payload. False—Login Items can deliver only one payload to a device. boolean. The payload you use to configure the preference panes. The payload you use to configure security preferences. pkcs1`. You don’t need to plug devices into your Mac to create profiles. Transparent Proxy is only available in macOS. payloadAction. A decoded payload containing subscription renewal information for an auto-renewable subscription. 0+ iPadOS 16. Specifying the platform type helps prevent unintended installations. enum NFCTypeNameFormat : UInt8, @unchecked Sendable. Use the Mobile payload to change the proxy settings for an iPhone device’s Access Point Name (APN) and mobile network. DNSSettings. The payload you use to configure the accessibility features of the device. Inside this dictionary, include an aps key whose value is a dictionary containing one or more additional Apple-defined keys, listed in Table 1. 0 Deprecated tvOS 16. If 1, the system enables the screen saver when the SmartCard is removed. The payload you use to configure Finder settings. If set to anything except None, the payload may contain the following three keys: Password, Payload Certificate UUID, or EAPClient Configuration. Full Disk Encryption. cx mb dm gg cb am zc ge rq av

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